Imagine an individual is on his way to catch a train. On the way, he is offered the biggest diamond in the world, but just for 10 minutes. If he is impressed and considers having the diamond for 10 minutes to be a success, he will miss the train. At best, the offer was a waste of time; at worst, a deception and a bait. Such limited thinking is said to come from a stone intellect.
If we approach life with a stone intellect, we are deceived. Ten minutes or ten years can appear to be eternal. For the one in clarity (paras intellect), the scale of time is different. For him, only that which is eternal has any value. The rest is a distraction. What appears to be a success for one with a stone intellect is seen as a deception for the paras intellect.
The whole of our spiritual effort is to help us attain true success and to experience ultimate, eternal treasures. If we are not distracted by side scenes, like the diamond trap, we will catch the train and reach our destination. Not being deceived by any bait is all that is required to discover these ultimate treasures.
By its very definition, the treasure is eternal and secure. In this treasure, there is contentment, peace, God, wisdom, the noble and divine family, love, bliss and our own authentic virtues. For the paras intellect, success is to get in touch with these eternal, unlimited and authentic treasures.
One who has experienced these higher treasures will not be flustered by the seeming successes and defeats of the physical world, but will find it fun and will have the courage to continue. It is also a spiritual law that the one who has experienced true success, promotes magical success at the level of the physical world. For historians, the success of Gandhi is inexplicable. Scholars cannot explain how an ordinary individual like Ghandi, who had no political position, who refused to carry any weapon, who refused to have a bodyguard and who refused to criticise his political opponents could defeat a super-power of that time.
It is only when we experience success at a higher level that that success will resonate and bring about success at the level of the physical world.
Om shanti,
Dear, i have been looking for this site since ages,, The information and the way it has been given is excellent. Many thanks for the priceless words of wisdom.
I feel blessed being exposed to the knowledge of the infinite. Surely the knowledge will help me and many other’s to be spititually sucessfull.
Many thanks.
Warm Regards,
I think it’s amazing to have this written word to go back to.
I am a guest
An invisible traveller.
When I cross the line and lose my self respect I become a victim, a begger or a slave..
Everything I need I have already, I just need to keep telling my ego.
Thank u for all the wise wisdom.