Master Ocean of Love

Description: The invisible travellers are visiting this world. They are immensely lovely, they are from God's world. They are lovely, they need nothing from here.

Keywords: Invisible travellers, Divine intellect, souls, lovely.

Date: December 3rd, 2020

Easy Raja Yoga

Description: Easy Raja Yoga shows that this is a theatre, where tiny points, souls are actors on an unlimited stage.

Keywords: Unlimited drama, Easy Raja Yoga, immortal, soul, God.

Date: June 7th, 2020

Jeevan Mukti in a Second

Description: What is required to reach a stage where nothing disturbs you. This kind of freedom can be obtained by seeing this whole world as a film.

Keywords: Freedom, liberation, karmateet, film, soul

Date: March 15th, 2020

Remember Me, Your Father, Constantly

Description: The Father of souls reminds them - Renounce your bodily religions, renounce your attachments, consider yourself a soul and remember Me, your Father, constantly.

Keywords: God, Father, souls, meditation, Raja Yoga, spirituality.

Date: February 2nd, 2020

The Contrast between Light and Falsehood

Description: Baba lives in the world of truth. Ravan is the king in the world of falsehood. Remember the Father and His world of truth.

Keywords: Truth, falsehood, light, world of God, appreciation.

Date: October 29th, 2019


Description: The self is made of light. It is aware of its eternity, beyond the world of sound and movement. Master ocean of peace, completely secure and free.

Keywords: Self, awareness, light, eternity, fullness.

Date: October 22nd, 2019

Baba’s Vision

Description: God's vision is drawn to all souls of the world. His mission is to take the whole world of souls beyond.

Keywords: God's vision, souls, power of acceptance, love.

Date: October 13th, 2019

Angelic Princes

Description: The angelic, immortal princes are as if asleep. When they are awake they know they are immensely lucky. The prince is sensible when he does not get lost in the drama of dolls.

Keywords: Right understanding, angelic princes, immortal souls, company of God.

Date: September 15th, 2019

Waking Up from the Spiritual Sleep

Description: Methods to come out from the sleep of the consciousness. Knowing the true home of the souls and experiencing the truth.

Keywords: Spiritual third eye, paras intellect, divine vision, divine beings.

Date: August 24th, 2019

All Relationships with the Father

Description: Having all the relationships with the Supreme Father makes Him the constant companion of the soul. The soul realises how fortunate he is.

Keywords: Supreme Soul, Supreme Father, Teacher, Friend, Satguru.

Date: August 23rd, 2019

World with God

Description: Liberation in life is possible for the one who sees himself as an alien. He sees this world as a world of dolls. His world is an alokik world, world of love, world with God.

Keywords: Drama, fixed script, alokik, no desires, region of love, freedom from the world of dolls.

Date: August 18th, 2019

The Eternal Partner

Description: The Eternal Partner is always there, waiting for the angel to wake up. The love of the Beloved is complete and perfect. Compared to Him, the love of the ego is just a pretence.

Keywords: Angel, Divine Love, ego, soul awakening.

Date: July 20th, 2019


Description: Experience the highest consciousness and make it natural. Ego is the embodiment of being a victim. See in full clarity, the physical world as a story and ego becomes small.

Keywords: God, ego, karma, higher consciousness, awake soul.

Date: July 19th, 2019

Let Drama Be

Description: Beauty of our world can be experienced only when using the paras intellect. With this intellect the visitor can just let the drama be and make the light of his world available to every soul.

Keywords: Paras intellect, visitors, drama, light of soul's reality.

Date: May 21st, 2019

The Part of the Supreme Soul

Description: Ego flourishes in ignorance and the answer is knowledge, light, clarity. In light, the physical world appears small, like a dolls world that has no significance. The soul is interested in the world beyond in the company of the Supreme Soul. His part is of uplifting everyone and discover the truth.

Keywords: Doll world, world of bliss, Supreme Soul, souls like princes.

Date: May 5th, 2019

Full Appreciation of Drama

Description: Realise your fortune and your treasures by changing any storm in a gift. When fully in light, weaknesses do not exist.

Keywords: Attitude of appreciation, wisdom, awake angel.

Date: April 11th, 2019

The Butterfly Consciousness

Description: To become a butterfly the caterpillar has to dissolve. To be a prince, the beggar inside has to die. The world of the butterfly is an angelic, divine world.

Keywords: Prince consciousness, dying alive, creation.

Date: April 6th, 2019

The Game of Light and Darkness

Description: Sweetness, lightness, happiness, acceptance are the qualities of the light that make the ego small. As much as the ego shrinks, the angel can breath. This is a game of light and darkness.

Keywords: Ego, illusion of darkness, purity, divine sight.

Date: April 5th, 2019

Spiritual Love

Description: What is love and what is attachment? The living family is that of the living souls and love is within this family. Love is for the child-like, sensible brother souls.

Keywords: Spiritual love, detachment, angelic soul, paras intellect.

Date: March 17th, 2019


Description: The invisible observer is an alien in the physical world. He does not cross the line into confusion. He is the observer, the angel, the mahavir.

Keywords: Invisible observer, mahavir, ego, subtle world, higher quality of life.

Date: February 1st, 2019

Creating One’s Life

Description: What is the greatest gift one can give? For the souls who are lost in the drama, not being aware of the supreme reality, the gift of the angelic life is the highest gift.

Keywords: Life, gift, Raja Yoga meditation, home of souls, angelic life.

Date: December 25th, 2018


Description: The world of the awake soul is Amar puri, the land of immortality and eternity. He lives in this world, he is not trying to become egoless. His normal state is egoless.

Keywords: Soul consciousness, ego, humility, awake observer.

Date: December 25th, 2018

World of Perfection

Description: The angel lives in his dignity, in his royalty and purity. He is completely free because he knows that everyone is a beautiful, perfect angel. The angel watches perfection.

Keywords: Perfect home, perfect drama, perfect angelic souls.

Date: November 24th, 2018

Donation of Life

Description: Life in a fiction is completely lost. The real life is of the invisible souls. Service is to break the spell of the pathar intellect and see the invisible soul.

Keywords: Invisible princes, awake souls, donation of life.

Date: October 30th, 2018

Stay Free

Description: The angel is aware of his eternal existence in the world of light. Angel is stable, safe and unchanging. It remains free whilst interacting in the drama.

Keywords: Jewels of knowledge, depth of security, stable observer.

Date: October 29th, 2018

Every Second

Description: Remember that this is a special time and do not become ordinary in your effort. Any second spent in confusion looks significant.

Keywords: Drama, importance of the time, light-hearted, carefree.

Date: October 17th, 2018

Great Donor

Description: One who is full can love and give without any calculations. The awake prince experiences that he is lucky forever.

Keywords: Uninterrupted giver, immortal, yoga.

Date: October 13th, 2018

Coming Out of Illusion

Description: It is not possible to mix the reality and the drama. There are no doubts in the world of the awake beings.

Keywords: Reality, drama, awake prince, Maya.

Date: October 12th, 2018

Black and White

Description: The easy way to wake up an angel is to say 'no' to Ravan. This makes it instantly easy.

Keywords: Soul reality, wake up, black and white attitude.

Date: October 5th, 2018

See in Full Clarity

Description: See clearly the distinction between the subtle, invisible and eternal reality and the gross drama.

Keywords: Celestial celebration, eternal bliss and love, 5-minutes circus.

Date: September 30th, 2018